Friday, July 1, 2011

Still Incredibly Happy to be off Drugs

It's been a while since I last updated my blog. Life is good thanks to God. I'm currently on vacation. I had a very challenging time before I came home to visit my parents. My daughter had to do an operation to remove her tonsils. My housekeeper left and I had to look for a replacement. I feel so much pressure when i have a lot of events hit at once. Now I feel fantastic. I'm eating well, sleeping well, life is good. I always feel so wonderful when I enter my parents house. It's comfort, joy, peace of mind. My kids are also having a great time. I enrolled them in a summer camp which is keeping them busy.

I'm going to update my website pages today and add Dr. Mercola's website. I've been reading his updates for the past few months and I just love the information he brings. Really by far the best Natural Health Newsletter I've ever received.

I am waiting to hear fromt the client for a poject for my business. I'm still very hopeful. I believe it will be a huge success with the will of God.