Monday, November 24, 2008

Canker Sores

I have these awful canker sores in my mouth. Canker sores aer shallow, painful sores in the mouth. They can appear on inside of lips, cheeks, on the base of gums or under the tongue. I have one under my tongue and the other deep down in my mouth. They are painful, especially when I want to eat. Doctors don't know exactly what causes them, but they may be triggered by stress, poor nutrition, food allergies and menstrual periods. I have had canker sores come every few months lately.

I went to see my doctor and did liver function test and full blood work and all is well except I have a little iron deficiency. It's not very low but I need to take supplements. I will take some iron pills and hopefully that will boost my levels. Right now is also a little bit of a stressful time financially but I am trying to remain positive and not let it dominate me. I know for a fact that I can't afford to feel down.

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