Saturday, November 15, 2008

Downside to the Meds

I am extremely agitated lately. I find that I'm losing my cool at the littlest things. I feel it could definitely be from the medication. Today I promised myself I will try to do everything in my might to have more control. Deep down, I feel I need to get off the meds. Even though I don't feel any physical discomfort from Avonex, I'm starting to feel mental discomfort. I will give it more time and see. I have an appointment with my Neuro to take blood tests and schedule an MRI. Time will tell what my next step will be.
As for my diet and vitamins, I am only taking a few vitamins a day. I'm a little confused about the vitamins I'm taking. I noticed there was soy in them and that makes me wonder if there is gluten. I am going to ask to find out. As for my diet, its alright. I am trying to gain weight. I am always trying to gain weight and it is very difficult, however i have now started to really focus on my food. The trick is to stick to the healthy food and gain healthy weight. I have decided to drink daily a vegetable juice first thing in the morning. It consists of:
2 stalks celery
half a carrot
half an apple
a handful of spinach
a piece of garlic or ginger

It's actually not that bad:) I am dedicated to my health, weight gain, a positive attitude and a calm nature. With the will of God I am on my way to recovery.

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